GDPR – It’ll affect more industries than you think

GDPR – It’ll affect more industries than you think

Whispers concerning GDPR have been heard since 2015. Now in 2017, those whispers have become shouts. Countless blog posts and articles state businesses are still unprepared for the changes it will enforce.

In the pursuit of informing our clients and the public about GDPR’s impact, EveryCloud is attending two events about the subject this November. ‘GDPR in the Public Sector’ in Manchester on November 8th and the ‘GDPR Summit in Aberdeen’ on November 9th. Here’s why …

Many industries believe they are safe from GDPR as most commentary focuses on retail and travel due to their customer data handling. But this isn’t the full story. The public sector will need to educate and prepare itself for the changes coming May 2018 as customer data isn’t the only topic GDPR encompasses.

As the UK Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham states: “There’s a lot in the GDPR you’ll recognise from the current law, but make no mistake, this one’s a game changer for everyone”.


Our first event, ‘GDPR in the Public Sector’ is intended to tackle the GDPR issues surrounding the NHS, local government and all public-sector bodies with the help of data experts. Specifically, helping organisations understand, build, and operate GDPR compliant data storage systems.

The GDPR Summit in Aberdeen will provide a roadmap to data compliance for all public-sector bodies, and includes guest speakers to help attendees understand requirements.

Attending will provide a fantastic opportunity for all public sector workers. But if you can’t come, here’s an overview of the GDPR articles that will apply to the public sector, specifically:

  • Article 25 — Data protection by design and default
  • Article 32 — Security of data processing
  • Article 33 — Notification of a personal data breach to supervisory authority
  • Article 34 — Communication of a personal data breach to the data subject
  • Article 35 — Data protection impact assessment
  • Article 44 — General principle for transfers

(If you want to read more about these, click here.)

We offer a GDPR guide which minimises the jargon and provides a clear-cut understanding of specific industry needs. We also include tips on how to adapt cloud-based data services to new legislations. You can find it here.

We look forward to seeing you in Manchester and Aberdeen!